Guide: How to Write a Profile Essay

Teachers give a profile essay to students to see how accurately they can describe people, events, places, architecture. A profile essay is a document that contains detailed information about an object. This essay aims to inform the reader about the object if they cannot touch the art or visit it personally. Students of journalism colleges often create such essays. Therefore you can consult them if you have little practice.

Your text should be truthful, descriptive, factual while maintaining the correct structure. Through a profile essay, you can reveal your view of the subject and show the reader an exciting story. Writing a profile essay is a difficult task. The complexity lies in several aspects: on several pages, you must describe a person or object, indicate his role in the world, what surrounds him, and how he influences you. However, this essay is intended to develop creative skills, and this writing experience will be beneficial to you. So let’s find out how to write a profile essay.

Step One – Explore Best Examples

Before you start the writing process, we recommend that you read the best examples of profile essays in an educational institution, which have been graded at A + by teachers. You can also study magazines that often publish similar articles. The most popular and informational magazines are The New Yorker, Esquire. Proofread multiple articles. Even if you’re reading articles about celebrities, highlight the structure and features that make the text appealing. Write in a notebook how many paragraphs the essay should be composed of. Find out in which paragraph you need to expand the topic in detail.

Step Two – Pick an Interesting Topic

Your next step, which will bring you closer to your goal, is choosing the right topic. It is best to write about people who have contributed to some science or the life of humanity. If this is an object, then we recommend writing about what delights people. We also recommend choosing topics that can captivate the reader. However, do not use inaccurate data, as they may cause the reader to mistrust your article. If you are writing an essay for admission, then we recommend that you describe the person who influenced the choice of profession. There is no need to describe the president or celebrities with whom you are not personally familiar – the commission does not take such information seriously.

Step Three – Prepare Interview Questions

If your person is not famous, we recommend having a face-to-face meeting with the person you describe. Before you conduct an interview, you need to find interesting questions. It is best if you prepare extensive queries, based on which you will understand who, what, where, when was involved in the situation. Do not ask questions to which you can get trivial answers – yes or no. You will not get exciting information on the topic, and the narrator will not want to go into details. You can ask tons of questions, but this can tire the storyteller, so stick to the deadline. After completing the interview, rewrite all the thoughts on paper so that later you can always analyze the information and understand how to write an essay.

Step Four – Create an Essay

Once you have completed all the previous steps, you can proceed to the last one. When creating an essay, you should focus your attention not only on the object being analyzed but also on your topic’s view. Be honest with the person or thing. Remember that you cannot transfer the reader to the events that you studied, so describe the person or object in maximum detail so that the reader can imagine the picture himself. Being clear, accurate, and truthful to the person and event will significantly improve your essay. Whatever opinion you give on the topic, it needs to be argued. For example: “My mother is very caring. Every morning she prepares breakfast for me, helps me with projects, and supports me in all my endeavors. As Erich Maria Remarque said: “Mothers must be able only to love – this is their full understanding of their children.” I can say that this is so.”

FAQ About The Profile Essay

How do you write a profile essay?

You need to write a profile essay in a simple structure – introduction, body, conclusion. In the introduction, you need to introduce the reader to the topic briefly. In the body, you must reveal the ideas of creating an essay, a person, an object, and support the statement with arguments. In conclusion, you can summarize all the information and write about how a person or object influenced your views.

What is a profile paper?

A profile essay is a document in which you need to describe in detail a person, architecture, situation. You can tell what kind of character a person possesses or how a built object. Perhaps you were surprised by some of the elements of appearance – write about it.

How do you end a profile essay?

In the final part, it is necessary to present the conclusions from the central part of the work. The conclusion should make it clear that your essay is complete. However, the writing style of this part should be the same as the rest of the work.

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